Tuesday, October 16, 2007

New Schedule for Second Semester 2007-2008 (For ADDU students only)

After some deliberations of University administrators this morning due to the coming local elections, the following will be the new schedule:

October 2007
19 - Submission of Final Grades (for faculty)
25 - Early Registration for all regular students (with no academic deficiencies)/ Registration for 3rd/4th Year BSN
26 - Early Registration for all regular students (with no academic deficiencies)/ Registration for 3rd/4th Year BSN
27 - Early Registration for all regular students (with no academic deficiencies)/ Registration for 3rd/4th Year BSN
29 - Barangay Elections (not yet declared as holiday)
30 - 1st/2nd Year Registration
31 - 1st/2nd Year Registration

November 2007
1 - All Saints' Day
2 - All Souls' Day
3 - 1st/2nd Year Registration (cont.)/ Transfer Students Application Processing
5 - 3rd Year Registration
6 - 4th/5th Year Registration/ Transfer Student Enrollment
8-22: Adding/ Dropping of Courses

For more information, please email psspdvo@addu.edu.ph or admissions@addu.edu.ph. Please disseminate information to your classmates and friends. Thank you.

Asst. to the President

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