Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Find Your Precinct by Text

Elections are less than a week away. If you want to find out what
your precinct assisgnment is on Election Day (May 14), you can do
this by texting the following message to 2898 (regardless of phone
service). A fee of P2.50 per text will be charged.

COMELECTXT PRECINCT First name/Middle name/Last name/birthdate in mmddyy

for example - COMELECTXT PRECINCT Marvin/Santos/Alberto/081572

If you voted in 2004 or are a First Time Voter who registered on or
before December 31, 2006, your name should should be on the COMELEC's
Voters' List and you should receive a confirmatory text from 2898. If
your name is not contained in the COMELEC's database, you should
immediately contact the COMELEC Regional Director in your locality or
check the Voters' List in your baranggay hall or voting center where
they are already supposed to be posted up.

On Election Day, please carry two pieces of photo ID in case you are
asked for identification. These IDs may be a driver's license or work
ID or SSS card. It does not necessarily have to be the COMELEC's ID
since these have not been completely distributed yet.

Go out and vote wisely on 14 May 2007.

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